The MAGA era’s great casualty has been the obliteration of shame. Frankly, I am tired of trying to “understand” the idiocy of the MAGA underclass. The relevant question: how do we explain this savagery to our children?

Recently, my girlfriend was dropping her daughter off at grade school. In line in front of her was a pickup truck, the back of which was adorned with an array of decals. “F*** Biden,” said one. “F*** Sununu,” read another, with two middle fingers beneath it.

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Who doesn’t miss Johnny Carson? "After Carnac the Magnificent stumbled onto the stage, Ed would announce: 'I hold in my hand the envelope. As a child of four can plainly see, these envelopes have been hermetically sealed. They've been kept in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch since noon today. NO ONE knows the contents of these envelopes – but you, in your mystical and borderline divine way, will ascertain the answers having never before heard the questions.'

How can society function when it cannot hear the questions? For example: How do you resolve the ongoing lawlessness across our country? Remember in 2020 as the election neared, we all saw the various protest events that took place. These included lawful and peaceful protests, protests that involved unlawful but non-violent acts of civil disobedience, and protests that turned into violent riots. It was observed that some elements within the peaceful protests were intent on destruction; and that this led to attacks on police, personal injuries, destruction of businesses, looting, and arson incidents.

It was on account of these events that I first realized how unprepared the Nation was to respond to lawlessness. So tit for tat on Jan 6th, if you weren’t bothered by these events as well. I don’t need to be Carnac to see this happening again, all over the country, and being worse. For me, I’d like to know the questions, and remember even Johnny didn’t know all the answers.

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